those headers look nice. Jet hot does a nice job.
They make even my welds look good!
Starting on Gas tank:

Not the prettiest welding job but solid none the less. Fit is good:

I like that Gary .. good idea ... well I just got my new Miller MIG Spool Gun to attach to my XMT304CC .. when I get time I;m going to try it out.
Let me know how that works. The guy at the welding store where I get my gas had one. He had several things they welded up and it looked like it did a real good job. What are your plans with it?
Mostly for work fabrication of pipe for work. It looks from first glance that its too big for sheetmetal ..
Mostly for work fabrication of pipe for work. It looks from first glance that its too big for sheetmetal ..
Well left vent came out similar to right vent:

Very nice ..wanna template 2 for me ..LOL
Wouldn't mind but I think the shape is tailored for the car. Wana bring the car down here?
Looks great, Gary. You do real nice work.
Thanks Michael!
Got fender vents from Hall:

Test stand is almost ready to run. Built Alternator bracket from scratch today. I was going to wait for custom 200amp Powermaster but it only took me an hour to fab up a bracket. I am hoping to get the engine ready to fire soon:

Oil cooler has been ducted:

Waiting for ice to melt!!!!:

Just fired up the engine on the test stand. Damn that thing sounds great!
detom (Guest)
GARY!!! You forgot to post the sound track. We all want to hear that puppy roar.
quote:Originally posted by DeTom:
GARY!!! You forgot to post the sound track. We all want to hear that puppy roar.
I will,
I ran out of time. I got it fired up right before I pushed everything back in and went in for the night. Just enough to wake the neighbors for a mile away. Sounds like a Nascar engine.
When I got everything together I realized I did not have the right flywheel. I am still waiting for the right one to come in but I did not let that stop me from getting it started. I used the smaller flywheel but made an adapter plate:

detom (Guest)
Did ya order an aluminum one?? They make an engine sound real sexy. They are what makes an engine go WHAAAPPAAAA!!!
Steel. I did so for a couple reasons
1. 500ftlbs tq
2. Easy to change
3. Gives me point of reference if I want to try it latter.
1. 500ftlbs tq
2. Easy to change
3. Gives me point of reference if I want to try it latter.
detom (Guest)
Oh I know Gary. I heard aluminum is a real PIA on a street car, but I just love the way it sounds on race cars.
Nothing is quick and simple. The quick task of mounting Trans cooler turned out to more of a metal working project than it would seem:

Progress looks excellant. Have you finished the side tranaxle mounts yet? If so do you have some updated pictures?
Thank you,
Progress looks excellant. Have you finished the side tranaxle mounts yet? If so do you have some updated pictures?
Thank you,
Hi Cliff, I am only waiting on putting the engine back in for mock up. I have most of it done. The only thing I am waiting on is the gussets to mount the round tube with bushings to the trans plate. These are the latest photos:
I have a list of things I am doing. I have a number of things I will be doing before I get to that point.
Are you looking to do the conversion? Hall and other shops do offer a a conversion package. What I like about the one I did was it really beefs up the sway bar area and I have mounting nuts in the top of other things.
I have a list of things I am doing. I have a number of things I will be doing before I get to that point.
Are you looking to do the conversion? Hall and other shops do offer a a conversion package. What I like about the one I did was it really beefs up the sway bar area and I have mounting nuts in the top of other things.
Starting on the front hood right now:

Quality metal work requires one to employ personnel with lots of experience. Often good metal workers cost a lot of cookies:


Wow, Gary. You look alot different than I thought you would!
Why do you think it is taken me so long!
More work to the fuel filler. Still need to find the recessed bolts and taper the bolt holes but I am far enough along I don't need to worry with it till after paint:

Sorry for not responding sooner but work has been very demanding. In answer to you question of if I plan on doing the conversion, (transaxle side mount conversion) the answer is yes. I like your version because as you stated "it really beefs up the sway bar area: Please keep up the excellent work and the pictures coming. Hopefully before long I am still be able to start back on my cat, still acquiring parts, patterns and equipment.
Sorry for not responding sooner but work has been very demanding. In answer to you question of if I plan on doing the conversion, (transaxle side mount conversion) the answer is yes. I like your version because as you stated "it really beefs up the sway bar area: Please keep up the excellent work and the pictures coming. Hopefully before long I am still be able to start back on my cat, still acquiring parts, patterns and equipment.
Hey Cliff when you get to that point let me know. I have more photos and info we can work together. There was nothing too hard about what I did. Maybe by thin I will have it back in the car.
Have you made any more progress Gary?
Well I have about finished my "Spring List" which means pretty shortly I should be hot after it again. We did some landscaping, tilled up a side yard we pulled trees form last year, planted about a 1/2 acre of grass, added trees, sealed the concrete, pulled the engine from the MGB fixed a few things, put it back, made some suspension changes on the MGB for the better, painted the rims on the Trans Am (more work then that sounds), got a new job flying jets, and I have checked a dozen other things off the list.
The Pantera has made it's way back to the top of the list. I am leaving for a trip but when I get back I hope to be back in the groove on it.
The Pantera has made it's way back to the top of the list. I am leaving for a trip but when I get back I hope to be back in the groove on it.
By the way, I would like to find some aluminum or stainless grill louvers for making a grill. Anyone know where I can find that kind of material?
Hi Gary, Try these guys. Someone posted this source awhile back.
Indy Dave
Indy Dave
WOW Gary! Your "Spring list" reads more like my 5 year plan!
Keep up the good work.
Keep up the good work.
I was searching the other day for pictures of your custom headers that run above the a arms. Did you ever finish them up and do you have some pictures that you can post if you did.