The decimal point has got to be in the wrong place? $60 is more like it. These will likely fail while mounting them up.
Pirelli P7's age rather rapidly. If you don't use them, you loose them. It doesn't matter how you stored them. Five years old is about the safe limit of use. The thicker the tread, the quicker the deterioration.
If you shoot them with Armorall, that makes the rubber dry out and crack faster.
They dry any split between the treads. I've had chunks of tread not only separate but come off and leave just the cords.
But yes, Pirelli should make some more new ones. BFG Comp T/A's are as good and they should make some more 15" also.
There is no one left in the world who drives on 15" rims? Wow. Time has for sure passed me by?
price adjusted down, I don't know what they are worth? the Countach crowd pays up pretty well for those 'standard' fronts, so I thought of them. They don't see too many this new.
Like I said, they are Pantera perfect for 8's and 10's and many are driving on updated bigger wheelsets and may want a 'SHOW' set of wheels/tires - extra, I know I would (don't currently own a Pantera)
Like I said, they are Pantera perfect for 8's and 10's and many are driving on updated bigger wheelsets and may want a 'SHOW' set of wheels/tires - extra, I know I would (don't currently own a Pantera)
Understood. You can always lower the price. Hard to raise it.
They are actually a little small for a Pantera. 305 rear, 235 front would be more desirable.
You are talking about upgrading a 71 Pantera with stock tires. 235 rear, 185 fronts.
Good luck with the auction.
They are actually a little small for a Pantera. 305 rear, 235 front would be more desirable.
You are talking about upgrading a 71 Pantera with stock tires. 235 rear, 185 fronts.
Good luck with the auction.
...while still on the subject of 15" tires, here are some of my others available right now, NOS, priced LOW, flame away!
they are an odd size, so might not work for anybody, but good tires that MIGHT work for somebody! here, have a look
I am also offering a set of Dunlop vintage racing tires (remakes), interesting exact tires were on the racing Pantera that sold for $160K on eBay the other day...I added this photo of the fronts and rears sandwiching a 305/50/15 euro ta so you can see I did my research...wanted tires that filled the wheel wells JUST RIGHT on the Mangusta...(insert Pantera here). I paid close to $3,000. new was gonna run my Mangusta on em, and ended up NOT shipping them with the car/wheels, so lemme know if these interest anybody as well, presently offered with NOS Mangusta wheels on eBay that don't seem to be sought after right now, so when auction expires, contact me about these or make an $offer if they go unsold
they are an odd size, so might not work for anybody, but good tires that MIGHT work for somebody! here, have a look
I am also offering a set of Dunlop vintage racing tires (remakes), interesting exact tires were on the racing Pantera that sold for $160K on eBay the other day...I added this photo of the fronts and rears sandwiching a 305/50/15 euro ta so you can see I did my research...wanted tires that filled the wheel wells JUST RIGHT on the Mangusta...(insert Pantera here). I paid close to $3,000. new was gonna run my Mangusta on em, and ended up NOT shipping them with the car/wheels, so lemme know if these interest anybody as well, presently offered with NOS Mangusta wheels on eBay that don't seem to be sought after right now, so when auction expires, contact me about these or make an $offer if they go unsold
quote:The 60 series fronts are a bit tall, but if you go with the narrower ones the height shrinks as well. The 205's are only 24.7" tall.
FWIW, I used to have 205/50-15 tires on the front of my Pantera, then switched to the 225/50-15 Toyo Proxes 4 on the fronts. Diameters of the two tires was almost identical, with the 205 BFG's maybe filling the wheel well slightly more. Just a data point to consider.
I calmly re-read the comments about the P7 tires and I had another deep examination of them, and all I gotta say is they are pretty freakin amazing. Those comments about brittle collapsing material does not apply to this extremely nice set. They came right off the rims - I just had em removed. I have no doubt they would still perform, but as I've stated clearly everywhere, they are best for show for every reason. Just don't want people thinking they are garbage, again a pattern around here when I've offered up some truly quality nice stuff and people instantly gang trash it, and question validity of statements, like a fool is posting up junk?? Stop it
I've got some nice stuff, and don't want enthusiasts to miss out if you are looking for example - for tires for 15" campy's - I didn't start this thread, just answered the call. Look at my garage photo, I've got lots of GREAT tires for 15" campy's...those are all 15" tires in that photo and they are all good stuff! FYI - the euro ta set 305/50 and 225/50 were smartly snatched up just two days ago and are on their way to Australia, perhaps the new owner will vouch for them in a few weeks when he sees what he just acquired, I don't know what else to say about this, but felt like I needed to kinda stand back up for these items. Next up a set of Campy 10's and 8's QUALITY rims...perhaps Mike Mayberry might vouch for the set of 10's I just answered the call on for a european client of his, again, just cleaning out my amazing stash of DeTomaso wheel/tire goodies, I've got the good shit man
and I wanna liquidate all of it

It has nothing to do with you or your integrity. It has to do with saving someone else's life who thinks that tires this old are safe to risk their life on in a high speed event on a track.
It has always been buyer beware.
Unfortunately it has always been an issue with the clock running on anything made of rubber. Some items will last longer then others.
Tires are not like gold bars where you can buy them as an investment and store them forever.
High performance tires in general even new have rubber compounds designed for high heat conditions. Low heat conditions as a result are on or over the limit for low temps. 20 f is about the limit for them before you have issues.
Some of the cracks in the rubber are superficial due to the action of Armor all on the rubber.
Multiple mountings of tires works against them as well.
Even new tires can fail just going out the driveway.
This is just something people should be aware of and make their own decisions on.
I have no vested interests in negatively effecting your sales. Best of luck with that.
It has always been buyer beware.
Unfortunately it has always been an issue with the clock running on anything made of rubber. Some items will last longer then others.
Tires are not like gold bars where you can buy them as an investment and store them forever.
High performance tires in general even new have rubber compounds designed for high heat conditions. Low heat conditions as a result are on or over the limit for low temps. 20 f is about the limit for them before you have issues.
Some of the cracks in the rubber are superficial due to the action of Armor all on the rubber.
Multiple mountings of tires works against them as well.
Even new tires can fail just going out the driveway.
This is just something people should be aware of and make their own decisions on.
I have no vested interests in negatively effecting your sales. Best of luck with that.
quote:Originally posted by PanteraDoug:
It has nothing to do with you or your integrity. It has to do with saving someone else's life who thinks that tires this old are safe to risk their life on in a high speed event on a track.
It has always been buyer beware.
Unfortunately it has always been an issue with the clock running on anything made of rubber. Some items will last longer then others.
Tires are not like gold bars where you can buy them as an investment and store them forever.
High performance tires in general even new have rubber compounds designed for high heat conditions. Low heat conditions as a result are on or over the limit for low temps. 20 f is about the limit for them before you have issues.
Some of the cracks in the rubber are superficial due to the action of Armor all on the rubber.
Multiple mountings of tires works against them as well.
Even new tires can fail just going out the driveway.
This is just something people should be aware of and make their own decisions on.
I have no vested interests in negatively effecting your sales. Best of luck with that.
completely agree and respect your knowledge on the subject, I tried to be careful in EVERY public mention, whether discussion or in the ad that I recommend them for SHOW only...they work VERY well as show tires for someone wanting period correct or authenticity of era, thanks Doug for your reply

and it's NOT armour-all on them...they were wiped down with a damp rag and that is Lake Tahoe morning light making them POP in the photos, they are like new and look like that new
Merging threads
quote:Originally posted by pantera74Bills6976:
Where can I find new tires for my car. a friend with a porche is also looking
First, 245-50 x 15" BFGs will fit on 8" Campys in front, with a little work. More clearancing may be necessary on the left front than the right front, depending on the Pantera, and if you've added extra caster, a little more clearance may be necessary around the wiper shield and rerouting of the brake lines.
Second, Pirelli P-7R's ARE still periodically available in 275-55 x 15 and 295-50 x 15", in W speed rating (168 mph) from PPC-Carson City. Note the 'R' stands for 'Rally' and they have current date codes- they are not ancient NOS! The problem is, Pirelli makes them at the same little prototype factory in western Turkey as F-1 racing tires. Guess which gets priority? A vendor orders 10 tires and gets 3; he reorders and gets 1...sometimes, none at all. The only way this works is to call Larry and get on his list, as such tires sell within hours of their arrival and are NEVER advertised. They are also not cheap. But arguably they are about the only game in town if you want the insurance of a real DOT speed rating in a wide 15" tire.
Second, Pirelli P-7R's ARE still periodically available in 275-55 x 15 and 295-50 x 15", in W speed rating (168 mph) from PPC-Carson City. Note the 'R' stands for 'Rally' and they have current date codes- they are not ancient NOS! The problem is, Pirelli makes them at the same little prototype factory in western Turkey as F-1 racing tires. Guess which gets priority? A vendor orders 10 tires and gets 3; he reorders and gets 1...sometimes, none at all. The only way this works is to call Larry and get on his list, as such tires sell within hours of their arrival and are NEVER advertised. They are also not cheap. But arguably they are about the only game in town if you want the insurance of a real DOT speed rating in a wide 15" tire.
Fronts are easier. There are lots of 225-50-15 v or better tires around.
I have Pirelli 225-50-15 P7's on the front but I am going to replace them with something larger. 235 will definitely fit. Some say a 245-50-15 will fit as well.
The largest problem is the lack of something better then an S (BFG) or a T (Mickey Thompson) for the rear.
The BFG has a wider tread at 12.2". The Mickey Thompson tread is a 9.7" tread according to the chart. That would give you the look of a Bonneville vintage 1964 over inflated tire, which I am sure was intended considering it is Mickey Thompson.
The 225-50-15 fronts look like go cart tires on this car and have the effect of lowering the front a little.
Too bad the P7s aren't available. I think they were the best of the 15" tires.
I have Pirelli 225-50-15 P7's on the front but I am going to replace them with something larger. 235 will definitely fit. Some say a 245-50-15 will fit as well.
The largest problem is the lack of something better then an S (BFG) or a T (Mickey Thompson) for the rear.
The BFG has a wider tread at 12.2". The Mickey Thompson tread is a 9.7" tread according to the chart. That would give you the look of a Bonneville vintage 1964 over inflated tire, which I am sure was intended considering it is Mickey Thompson.
The 225-50-15 fronts look like go cart tires on this car and have the effect of lowering the front a little.
Too bad the P7s aren't available. I think they were the best of the 15" tires.
Good luck on a manufacturer to step up. A number of individuals have approached a number of companies who manufacture tires, new and reproduction with none of them willing to step up to the plate.
Thanks, I didn't think you could get them any more.
Ok ,checked out tire rack only have low speed tire that don't match. On my car backs are 305/50/r15 107h 10" rims fronts are 225/50R15 90H
quote:what brand of are the tires you are running on your car? and JEGS has BF Goodrich 225 60 15 for the front but said thinks they mit rub on wheel wells
I used to have...
BFG Comp TA 205/60x15 on the front, and
BFG Euro TA 305/50x15 on the rear, but they wore out.
Now I have...
Toyo Proxes 4 225/50-15 on front, and
Toyo Proxes ST 295/50x15 on rear
I didn't say they come cheap, but:
If you want good tyres that can cope with high speeds and plenty of horsepower, and of a high quality, those are the way to go. Reasonable priced (imo - at least for us Europeans), seen the little demand and production nnumbers, unless you drive many thousands of miles each year with the cat.
Last year I still found a set of 225/50/15 Toyo front tyres for €300/$375.
If you want good tyres that can cope with high speeds and plenty of horsepower, and of a high quality, those are the way to go. Reasonable priced (imo - at least for us Europeans), seen the little demand and production nnumbers, unless you drive many thousands of miles each year with the cat.
Last year I still found a set of 225/50/15 Toyo front tyres for €300/$375.
If it means anything to anyone ... LT stands for "light truck". Tires with LT at the end of the tire code are truck tires. This means they have more plies of steel & nylon in the sidewall, making the sidewalls stiffer, to prevent wheel damage when used off-road, and for carrying higher payloads. The rubber compounds are different as well, promoting longer tread life and less chance of damage (chunking) when used off road.
quote:Might go with a 60. Car is very low in front with the 50.
205/60-15 is almost the same size as a 225/50-15, except that the 205/60-15 has a slightly larger diameter so it fills the wheel well a bit better. My car looked great with 205/60/15's on the front and 305/50/15's on the rear.
Make sure you don't buy old stock on these tires. Pirellis in particular don't age well, for high performance use.
I find NO 295-50-15's available with any rating other then the S that the BFG has. Fronts are fairly easy.
The Toyo's haven't been around in a couple of years as far as I can see.
I find NO 295-50-15's available with any rating other then the S that the BFG has. Fronts are fairly easy.
The Toyo's haven't been around in a couple of years as far as I can see.
I can deal with H-rated. That's rated to 130MPH (not a speed I get to very often... if ever). In fact I don't think I know of another 295/50/15 that has an H rating or higher. Very limited selection. Hopefully a manufacturer will recognize the opportunity. Muscle car owners with 15 inch wheels all struggle to find nice fat tires.
OMG! How cn you ever show your face in public? LOL!
I don't have my old Comp 427 Cobra pics handy but as I remember, this is very reminiscent of the S/C's.
CSX 3035 and 3036, both red are both like yours. Squatted in the rear with the tire hiding partially under the lip which makes the nose seem a little high.
The rear springs for some reason take a set there and you really can't come lower in the front if you look under at the chassis tubes.
As I recall, you can't make a fist and clear the tube and ground with it, vertically. That's low.
When Dick Smith had the car, he didn't worry about the look, just the function.
I don't know who owns Eber's car now but they were very, very similar and Eber would just copy what Smith had done to his car rather then experiment on his own.
They are both red cars like yours is too.Race cars don't worry at all about cosmetics.
Incidentally, beautiful Cobra.
I don't have my old Comp 427 Cobra pics handy but as I remember, this is very reminiscent of the S/C's.
CSX 3035 and 3036, both red are both like yours. Squatted in the rear with the tire hiding partially under the lip which makes the nose seem a little high.
The rear springs for some reason take a set there and you really can't come lower in the front if you look under at the chassis tubes.
As I recall, you can't make a fist and clear the tube and ground with it, vertically. That's low.
When Dick Smith had the car, he didn't worry about the look, just the function.
I don't know who owns Eber's car now but they were very, very similar and Eber would just copy what Smith had done to his car rather then experiment on his own.
They are both red cars like yours is too.Race cars don't worry at all about cosmetics.
Incidentally, beautiful Cobra.
I'm going to stick with 225-50-15"s. You can find them anywhere.
Might go with a 60. Car is very low in front with the 50.
Might go with a 60. Car is very low in front with the 50.
The price of 321 pounds converts to about $561 US. That's a ridiculous price. These things aren't made out of gold?
OK,I think I will go with BF goodrich in the back but the fronts still looking for something that will match. Any good suggestions. 225 50 R15
I've been looking too. I need 295/50/15's and 225/50/15's. You can find both pretty easily but there's not much available for the 15x10 inch rims that are what you would consider high performance/exotic car tread pattern.
I've been thinking about these for the back
If my math is correct the 26X12.00R15LT should work? I think these should almost be the same as
P295-50-15's...maybe with a slightly lower profile? Doesn't look like they have a 225/50/15 so I was thinking about these (tread pattern is kindof close)
You can find some different brands on ebay too but of course you can find these manufacturers other places as well.
I've been thinking about these for the back
If my math is correct the 26X12.00R15LT should work? I think these should almost be the same as
P295-50-15's...maybe with a slightly lower profile? Doesn't look like they have a 225/50/15 so I was thinking about these (tread pattern is kindof close)
You can find some different brands on ebay too but of course you can find these manufacturers other places as well.
It appears your Pantera is equipped with 15x10 rear Campy wheels, and I'll assume it has 15x8 Campy wheels in the front. The European GTS was originally equipped with 225/50R15 front tires mounted on 15x8 wheels and 285/50R15 rear tires mounted on 15x10 wheels. I assume those are the tire sizes you're interested in. Tires in the 285/50R15 rear size just aren't available these days. Everybody opts instead for 295/50R15 tires for the rear, there is reasonable availability of passenger car tires in that size, but only with lower speed ratings.
A side note: for those interested in upgrading to this tire/wheel combination, 15"x10" forged aluminum Campy clone wheels for the rear of the Pantera are available from a seller on eBay by the name of MisterFiat. They are manufactured by Roin Technology of Italy.
Good quality 295/50R15 performance street tires appropriate for a sports car are available, but locating and acquiring them can be challenging and expensive. For instance Longstone Classic Tyres in the UK sells an Avon CR6ZZ in 275/55VR15 or 295/50VR15, but they don't offer a 225/50VR15 for the front in the same make and model. They do have other makes and models (Michelin, Pirelli) in that size with V or Z speed ratings. Its never ideal to mix and match makes or even models, but when coping with acquiring tires for the oem 15" wheels its an unfortunate necessity. The tires at Longstone are high speed rated and available.
The difficulty and expense of acquiring performance tires designed for 15" rear wheels has lead some owners to utilize street legal competition tires. Other owners have chosen to use tires designed for light trucks (rated LT) in the rear. These are unusual choices for sports car tires, I understand why owners make those choices but I don't wholeheartedly agree with them. Street legal competition tires are not the safest choice, and tires with sidewall structures and rubber compounds designed for light trucks are not a good match for an Italian sports car either. But those tires are easier to acquire and/or less expensive.
A side note: for those interested in upgrading to this tire/wheel combination, 15"x10" forged aluminum Campy clone wheels for the rear of the Pantera are available from a seller on eBay by the name of MisterFiat. They are manufactured by Roin Technology of Italy.
Good quality 295/50R15 performance street tires appropriate for a sports car are available, but locating and acquiring them can be challenging and expensive. For instance Longstone Classic Tyres in the UK sells an Avon CR6ZZ in 275/55VR15 or 295/50VR15, but they don't offer a 225/50VR15 for the front in the same make and model. They do have other makes and models (Michelin, Pirelli) in that size with V or Z speed ratings. Its never ideal to mix and match makes or even models, but when coping with acquiring tires for the oem 15" wheels its an unfortunate necessity. The tires at Longstone are high speed rated and available.
The difficulty and expense of acquiring performance tires designed for 15" rear wheels has lead some owners to utilize street legal competition tires. Other owners have chosen to use tires designed for light trucks (rated LT) in the rear. These are unusual choices for sports car tires, I understand why owners make those choices but I don't wholeheartedly agree with them. Street legal competition tires are not the safest choice, and tires with sidewall structures and rubber compounds designed for light trucks are not a good match for an Italian sports car either. But those tires are easier to acquire and/or less expensive.
Roger Krause Racing - Castro valley, Ca has a good supply, they are vintage race car tires, they look amazing, are speed rated and very expensive but readily available. I put some ultra cool Dunlops on my 15" goose wheels.
quote:Originally posted by Bosswrench:
First, 245-50 x 15" BFGs will fit on 8" Campys in front, with a little work. More clearancing may be necessary on the left front than the right front, depending on the Pantera, and if you've added extra caster, a little more clearance may be necessary around the wiper shield and rerouting of the brake lines.
Second, Pirelli P-7R's ARE still periodically available in 275-55 x 15 and 295-50 x 15", in W speed rating (168 mph) from PPC-Carson City. Note the 'R' stands for 'Rally' and they have current date codes- they are not ancient NOS! The problem is, Pirelli makes them at the same little prototype factory in western Turkey as F-1 racing tires. Guess which gets priority? A vendor orders 10 tires and gets 3; he reorders and gets 1...sometimes, none at all. The only way this works is to call Larry and get on his list, as such tires sell within hours of their arrival and are NEVER advertised. They are also not cheap. But arguably they are about the only game in town if you want the insurance of a real DOT speed rating in a wide 15" tire.
I'm not doubting you Bosswrench but Larry has no 295-50-15 P7 listed at all. Frankly at $461 ea for the 275-55-15, I'll look elsewhere. Mine cost about $180 each.
These tires will rot on my car before they will get worn out?
I would also point out that I can't remember when he updated the webpage last and that price might be 5 years old?

They make race tires: NOT FOR HIGHWAY USE: All Hoosier Racing Tires including DOT labeled Hoosier Racing Tires are designed for racing purposes only on specified racing surfaces and are not to be operated on public roadways. DOT labeled Hoosier Racing Tires meet Department Of Transportation requirements for marking and performance only and are NOT INTENDED FOR HIGHWAY USE. It is unsafe to operate any Hoosier Racing Tire including DOT tires on public roads. The prohibited use of Hoosier Racing Tires on public roadways may result in loss of traction, unexpected loss of vehicle control, or sudden loss of tire pressure, resulting in a vehicle crash and possible injury or death.
I was looking in the usual spots yesterday and the selection is limited for sure.
those MTs are only H rated. I usually like the Yokos but those I wasn't crazy about.
those MTs are only H rated. I usually like the Yokos but those I wasn't crazy about.
quote:Originally posted by griffinmax:
The Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R's still seem good candidates. H rated. A 26X12.00R15LT tire is the equivalent of 305/46/15 metric.
Here's a little feedback from ClubCobra
They look pretty good on the car too...
This is an EXCELLENT recommendation. Completely under MY radar! Way to go. Love it.
However, I can't find head nor hair of a speed rating, wear rating, traction rating on them. Where did you get that data?
Also, 305 is the metric equivalent, yes, but how did you get the aspect ratio on this tire?
I saw the H speed rating on it yes. Wait. I see the A traction rating too, although that tread pattern is looks very suspicious of traction even with a weather prediction of a 30% chance of rain. No matter. This car hasn't seen that in 25 years.
I feel the value of my original 10" Campis going up now...did you feel it?

Thanks. You made my day!
The Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R's still seem good candidates. H rated. A 26X12.00R15LT tire is the equivalent of 305/46/15 metric.
Here's a little feedback from ClubCobra
They look pretty good on the car too...
Here's a little feedback from ClubCobra
They look pretty good on the car too...
Thanks for the info on the calculator and the tires.
I actually like the front on the car. Personally I wouldn't go crazy with finding a tire.
I think what you are seeing is the 15" rims. Everyone is used to seeing 16, 17, 18".
I actually like the front on the car. Personally I wouldn't go crazy with finding a tire.
I think what you are seeing is the 15" rims. Everyone is used to seeing 16, 17, 18".
I see a taller side wall in the front than the back...and that's a no no.
Hoosier, for one.
quote:Originally posted by pantera3322:
Where can I find new tires for my car. a friend with a porche is also looking
Your best bet is going to TireRack. They usually have the best price and they have the best selection.
I got my fronts a year ago.
26/61-15 Michelin Tires
They had a few sets left at the time. I doubt they do anymore but may be worth checking.
26/61-15 Michelin Tires
They had a few sets left at the time. I doubt they do anymore but may be worth checking.
Here in the US, or maybe at least by me, Avon is not considered a high quality tire.
Second: high speed driving? I just got a speeding ticket for an 82 in a 65 last week. High speed driving here in the US is only in your dreams.
At about $160 each for a BFG 295-50-15, I can burn up almost three sets for the price of the Avons, but yes, technically you are correct. A V tire is available.
Here in the US, or maybe at least by me, Avon is not considered a high quality tire.
Second: high speed driving? I just got a speeding ticket for an 82 in a 65 last week. High speed driving here in the US is only in your dreams.
At about $160 each for a BFG 295-50-15, I can burn up almost three sets for the price of the Avons, but yes, technically you are correct. A V tire is available.
Just keep looking; you find them somewhere.

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