...no cylinders(!) but not a bad thought.
The rear cylinders should be 1.75" pistons, similar in execution....no dust shields! Soooooo, I wouldn't order anything until you get the rears popped apart too.
I had the "other" rear cast iron 3 pot calipers on my car. In 1996 or so, it cost me about $300 for a tiny bag of retractors/seals, 4 small pistons (2 sizes used in each) some ebrake pads..... Needless to say I was GLAD to get them for any price!
You should also look closely at your flexible lines/hoses. With likely use of DOT3 fluid, the portion of the hose fitting that fits inside the hose can get rusted and clogged up. Before I could find hoses or have them made, I simply cheated and cleaned out the garp with a drill bit......there was MUCHO plugging going on!
If you live anywhere near a tractor dealer...farm country, most of these shops can custom make hoses to fit. SAE/British threads etc on the calipers and hoses in my experience. I had a "hose shop" here in Silicon Valley make them up in minutes for around $35-40 per hose....pressure tested to boot!
I REALLY appreciated the security of knowing all was good and new in the braking system!
One last piece......yah right(!!!!)....the proportioning valve (By Bonaldi) that you may have on your chassis RH of the oil pan. I forget the actual name of the thing....prop valve, pressure amplifier....glorified splitter..... I could not get my original apart....no matter how much I messed with it. Thankfully, I had purchased the last piece that DeTomaso had in stock, again in 1996-7. I have since seen these things offered up new on the internet!!!
Internally there is a spring and piston....(to modulate pressure???)....mine was more like a solid piece of metal....surprised it even worked...... Some cars did not use this but rather a simple "T" to direct flow to R and L side of car.
I believe Porterfield can get you good "street" pads for these calipers. Now parking pads are available all over the place. Similar brake mechanism used in Fiat/Alpha and other Italian steeds! British cars.......... You may need to exchange the parking pad bases.....so don't trash them!
I'm guessing about $800-900 for your brake job in total (providing you don't need M/C, or booster, or compensator replacements!). For these cars, that's pretty cheap IMHO!!!! Gotta love it!!!!
Bearings: Cheapest parts you will almost ever replace on the Mangusta!!!! Standard Ford items from around 1968-1970. Maybe earlier..... You'll find numbers on the races.....easy peasy!!!
Cheers!!! Steve
Only pic I could find in short order of the brake "valve" thingy....new one...had to splice the inlet line for some reason......